KIDS DEMOCRACY - PART II - Development, testing and anchoring
A practical tool for Kids Democracy
This project is an extension of the pilot project: Kids Democracy in social housing areas (Part I) - Survey and pilot testing.
The focal point for part II is to further the development, testing and anchoring of Kids Democracy in four different housing departments and housing organizations across the country. The aim is to give children influence over their own lives, where they live and at the same time achieve more well-functioning housing areas via Kids Democracy.
The focus is on further development and testing of various child involvement methods and tools that can support the children's and the residential area's permanent resources in the work with Kids Democracy. The methods and tools must accommodate different degrees of child involvement, so that there is an opportunity to involve children, in relation to the needs and possibilities of the children and the individual residential area.
In addition to Boligselskabet AKB, Rødovre (project owner), FOB in Slagelse, CIVICA in Odense and Himmerland Boligforening in Aalborg participate in the project. It is our ambition to put child involvement and child democracy on the agenda in the social housing sector specifically and in society in general.
Development, testing and anchoring of Kids Democracy in four residential areas across the country - 2017-2019.
www.børnedemokrati.dk - a practice tool that supports Kids Democracy
"Give children a voice in the residential areas" - an inspirational booklet aimed at decision-makers
Center for Boligsocial Udvikling: Børn og unges aktive medborgerskab
Pressemeddelelse: Mest muligt børnedemokrati
Task: Further development, testing and anchoring of child involvement methods and Kids Democracy in social housing areas as well as development of practical tools
Project owner: Boligselskabet AKB, Rødovre (KAB)
Financed by: VELUX FONDEN, Den almene forsøgspulje v. Trafik-, Bygge- og Boligstyrelsen
Period: 2017-2019
Role: Idea developer and project manager (Projektsekretariat)