Copenhagen municipality is investigating and testing how the people of Copenhagen can be encouraged to sort more of their waste for recycling. This is done in order to achieve the goal of reaching 45% of sorted waste/material fit for recycling in 2018. The project is about testing a service design for how the local resources - e.g. operating staff and department board - in housing departments can play a role as ambassadors for indoor recycling towards the rest of the areas residents. By service design, it is meant that the type, and degree, of service from the municipality of Copenhagen that best supports the local resources in the role of ambassadors for indoor recycling. The test took place in the social housing department 'Den Gule Misundelse' in Christianshavn, which is managed by Lejerbo, København.
Development, facilitation and collection of experience while testing out the service design with the local resources as ambassadors for indoor recycling.
Task: To develop, test and gather experience from the service design with the local resources as ambassadors for indoor recycling
Project owner: Københavns Kommune, Teknik- og Miljøforvaltningen, Byens Udvikling, Klima
Financed by: Teknik- & Miljøforvaltningen, Copenhagen municipality
Period: Medio 2016 until primo 2017
Role: Facilitator