As a part of the comprehensive plan for residential social work "Together about Vapnagaard 2015-2017", Konradi - life in and between the houses in 2017 carried out the second of two wellfare surveys at Vapnagaard. The wellfare survey of 2017 is thus a continuation of a similar survey carried out in 2015. Both surveys were carried out as a written questionnaire given to all residents and you can read more about the first wellfare survey here. In the wellfare survey for 2017, the purpose was to obtain knowledge about the well-being and civic participation at Vapnagaard and to provide the opportunity for a follow-up on selected success criteria in the comprehensive plan for residential social work. The survey showed that the residents were very satisfied with living at Vapnagaard, and that well-being in a number of areas had improved compared to the wellfare survey of 2015. The survey also provided knowledge about potentials for creating (even better) conditions for well-being and civic participation at Vapnagaard. For example, is there a potential for increasing residents' knowledge on how they can participate in joint activities, clubs and associations and to achieve an even better neighborhood and community.
The booklet is an internal work tool for residential social workers and decision makers around Vapnagaard, and contains analysis of the results produced via graphs and associated text.
Task: Completion of a questionnaire survey on the well-being of residents at Vapnagaard for the comprehensive plan for residential social work
Project owner: The comprehension plan for social work and Vapnagaard
Financed by: The comprehension plan for social work and Vapnagaard
Period: 2015 and 2017
Role: Design and analysis of the questionnaire survey