What significance does it have for the individual child to be a Kid Democrat and what do housing organisations, municipalities and the local area get out of Kids Democracy?
These questions were asked at the conference on 21 November, where results and practical experiences from the national development project on Kid's democracy from 2017-2019 were presented. The conference was organized by Boligselskabet AKB, Rødovre and Konradi - Life in and between the houses. Housing Minister Kaare Dybvad opened the conference with a presentation in which he placed particular emphasis on the importance of involving children in, and learning about, democracy in practice. Several Kid Democrats gave presentations about their experiences with Kid's democracy and shared stories about personal development.
AKB, Rødovre og Konradi - liv i og mellem husene takker de fremmødte for deres deltagelse og opbakning til børnedemokratiet.
Giv børnene en stemme i boligområderne! (Inspirationshæfte)
Invitation and program for konferencen