Effective neighborhood management and new frameworks for community



With the housing concept Almenbolig+, where the residents take care of large parts of the operations themselves, it has been possible to build and manage public housing at a lower rent.
The residents keep running costs down by, for example, mowing the grass and hedges themselves, holding departmental meetings and invoicing tradesmen, etc. In addition to the financial gains, the housing concept also entails other advantages: the great commitment required from the residents is of great importance to the community and to the quality of the living environment in the individual department; as a bigger ownership of the department also leads greater care for the department - both physically and socially.

The experiences from Almenbolig+ will be brought together and passed on to other social housing departments, so that more people can benefit from the many economic, social and physical values of efficient neighborhood management. A handbook will therefore be prepared with instructions and concrete practical tools for how to get started with, and not least, succeed in, effective neighborhood management.


· New knowledge about the operations in Almenbolig+ and the importance of the physical framework for the community (2021)
· A handbook on alternative operating concepts with concrete tools that the social housing sector and others who might be interested in promoting healthy communities, neighborhoods and physical spaces can be inspired by (2021)

Publication - Nabodrift - community and lower costs


KAB - Effektiv nabodrift

AlmenNet - Nabodrift - fællesskab og lavere driftsudgifter 

Realdania: Nabodrift - et nyt bokoncept for almene boligområder

KAB - Nabodrift  binder beboere sammen



Task: Development of a handbook on effective neighborhood management and communities in the social housing sector
Project owner: KAB
Financed by: Realdania
Period: Juli 2020 - december 2021
Role: External project manager and production