From common space to community



In many social housing units, there are modern and renovated common areas and common facilities with great potential to create a framework for the community between the residents. The project's basic idea is that residents and resident-elected representatives have the potential to create (even) greater unity, joint activities and community in their area, by using the physical spaces to a greater extent.

The inspiration comes from housing associations and other strong communities in and outside the social housing sector. The project examines what works elsewhere and develops a 'practical tool' for how residents or resident-elected representatives can contribute to strengthening the community.

The project is based on the thesis that by focusing on strengthening the community, you can contribute to a better quality of life for the individual residents specifically, and to more well-functioning residential areas in general.


Fællesskabskalender - ’Hvad kan vi lave sammen i vores boligafdeling?’ - 2017

The target group is residents, resident groups and resident-elected representatives in the social housing areas.

The project is now finished and you can read more about it on Almene Forsøgspuljes website

Task: Support residents and resident-elected representatives in strengthening the community in social housing areas via the development of 'practical tools'

Project owner: Konradi - Konradi – life in and between the houses
Financed by: Den almene forsøgspulje v. Trafik-, Bygge- og Boligstyrelsen
Period: 2016 - 2017
Role: Idea developer and project manager