- the good life for children and young people in the residential areas Ringen in Helsingør
With a basis in social housing areas, a model is created for how the good life for children and young people can be supported by the activities and people around them and by giving them a voice. The children and young people are given the opportunity to influence the residential areas through the establishment of Kids Democracies and youth councils. Simultaneously, there will be carried out experiments with the purpose of supporting the children and young people in relation to challenges, needs and wishes of a more personal/individual nature. For example, challenges at home, the need for an internship or the desire for a part-time job. The children and young people are supported in taking age-appropriate responsibility for their own lives.
The project is based on the expression "It takes a village to raise a child" and is characterized by a holistic approach to children and young people. This means that the project is a collaboration between a large number of partners both in and outside the housing area, e.g. the housing organization Boliggården, Helsingør municipality, the organisation SSP, schools, clubs, the local business community as well as parents, residents and employees in the residential areas. The project takes place in the three residential areas Nord Vest, Nøjsomhed and Vapnagaard in Helsingør and is financed by Østifterne.
· The establishment of Kids Democracies and youth councils in the three residential areas Nord Vest, Nøjsomhed and Vapnagaard in Helsingør. (2020-2025)
· Collaboration within and across residential and local areas via the building of networks and with a holistic approach to children and young people. (2020-2025)
· Social and physical measures in the residential areas and changes in the individual child and young person that reflect the ideas, needs and resources of children and young people. (2020-2025)
Frederiksborgs Amts Avis - Millionprojekt skal give indflydelse til børn og unge
Tagryggen 2020 - Sammen om hinanden - Nyt initiativ i Boliggårdens boligområder skal gøre en forskel for børn og unge
Pressemeddelelse "Sammen om hinanden"
Helsingør Dagblad - Nyt initiativ i Helsingørs boligområder skal gøre en forskel for børn og unge
Tagryggen 2022 - Sammen om Hinanden - En fordel for dine børn
Tagryggen 2024 - Sammen om Hinanden - Børn lærer demokrati
Task: Establishing Kids Democracies in the three residential areas in Helsingør and experimenting with the further development of methods of Kids Democracy.
Project owner: Østifterne
Collaborative partner: Boliggården, SSP in Helsingør
Financed by: Østifterne
Period: 2020-2025
Role: Idea developer and project manager for the establishment of Kids Democracy