Strategy development Boliggården – Strategy 2027



Konradi – life in and between the houses develops together with Boliggården in Helsingør “Strategy 2027 – a sustainable Boliggården". Boliggarden consists of 6,000 tenements spread out over 48 units and is the largest actor in social housing in Helsingør.

Boliggården wishes to set a direction for the organisation, strengthen the unity of the area and make Boliggården an even better place to live. The strategy development takes place with a broad involvement of both internal and external actors – at both the political and administrative level. The project is carried out in with a combination of bottom-up approach which focuses on values and involvement, and a top-down approach which focuses on results and progress. The actors are involved via participatory methods that Konradi facilitates, for example workshops, seminars, individual interviews and focus group interviews.

The strategy process is characterized by investigation, co-determination and transversal collaborations between the various actors. The result of the process is expected to be a strategy that is anchored within the broad ownership of the organization.


· The strategy process will result in the strategy 'Strategy 2027 - a sustainable housing estate' 

Task: Strategy development for Boliggården
Project owner: Boliggården
Financed by: Boliggården
Period: Fall 2021 - spring 2022
Role: External project manager and facilitator

Inspirationcatalog for Boligselskabet Sjælland



Konradi - Life in and between the houses is developing an inspiration catalog for Boligselskabet Sjælland with a focus on establishing sustainable, resident-driven communities. The inspiration catalog must, among other things, contribute to fulfilling Boligselskabet Sjælland's 'Strategy 2024 - Homes in communities', where the focal point is the formation of communities across economic, social and environmental conditions in the residential areas.

The starting point of the inspiration catalog is the residents' own experiences and stories about the formation of sustainable communities. With the catalogue, the residents thus get to be inspired by other residents with a number of concrete community-building activities and initiatives, good advice and checklists for how they themselves can create sustainable communities in their housing department.


· Inspirationcatalogue: Sustainable communities - Boligselskabet Sjælland


Task: Development of an inspiration catalogue
Project owner: Boligselskabet Sjælland
Financed by: Boligselskabet Sjælland
Period: August 2021 - januar 2022
Role: Knowledge collector and communicator

Effective neighborhood management and new frameworks for community



With the housing concept Almenbolig+, where the residents take care of large parts of the operations themselves, it has been possible to build and manage public housing at a lower rent.
The residents keep running costs down by, for example, mowing the grass and hedges themselves, holding departmental meetings and invoicing tradesmen, etc. In addition to the financial gains, the housing concept also entails other advantages: the great commitment required from the residents is of great importance to the community and to the quality of the living environment in the individual department; as a bigger ownership of the department also leads greater care for the department - both physically and socially.

The experiences from Almenbolig+ will be brought together and passed on to other social housing departments, so that more people can benefit from the many economic, social and physical values of efficient neighborhood management. A handbook will therefore be prepared with instructions and concrete practical tools for how to get started with, and not least, succeed in, effective neighborhood management.


· New knowledge about the operations in Almenbolig+ and the importance of the physical framework for the community (2021)
· A handbook on alternative operating concepts with concrete tools that the social housing sector and others who might be interested in promoting healthy communities, neighborhoods and physical spaces can be inspired by (2021)

Publication - Nabodrift - community and lower costs


KAB - Effektiv nabodrift

AlmenNet - Nabodrift - fællesskab og lavere driftsudgifter 

Realdania: Nabodrift - et nyt bokoncept for almene boligområder

KAB - Nabodrift  binder beboere sammen



Task: Development of a handbook on effective neighborhood management and communities in the social housing sector
Project owner: KAB
Financed by: Realdania
Period: Juli 2020 - december 2021
Role: External project manager and production

Satisfaction survey among departmental boards in Boliggården



Konradi - life in and between the houses conducts a satisfaction survey with the departmental boards in Boliggården in Helsingør starting in autumn 2020. Boliggården consists of approx. 6,000 tenancies with the associated 44 departmental boards. The user-related experiences of the departmental boards are collected through a survey design which uses a combination of questionnaire surveys and focus group interviews.

The satisfaction survey is part of Boliggården's ambition to improve the service and minimize the distance between the resident-democracy and the housing organisation. On the basis of the survey results, the housing estate wishes to draw up an action plan with the aim of strengthening the service and the future cooperation with the departmental boards. The knowledge gathered will be turned into a new practice in the housing estate.


· Report on the department boards' satisfaction (spring 2021). Primarily for internal use in Boliggården. 

Task: Satisfaction survey among the departmental boards in Boliggården

Project owner: Boliggården
Financed by: Boliggården
Period: September 2020 - June 2021
Role: External evaluator

Sammen om Hinanden via Kids Democracy

- the good life for children and young people in the residential areas Ringen in Helsingør


With a basis in social housing areas, a model is created for how the good life for children and young people can be supported by the activities and people around them and by giving them a voice. The children and young people are given the opportunity to influence the residential areas through the establishment of Kids Democracies and youth councils. Simultaneously, there will be carried out experiments with the purpose of supporting the children and young people in relation to challenges, needs and wishes of a more personal/individual nature. For example, challenges at home, the need for an internship or the desire for a part-time job. The children and young people are supported in taking age-appropriate responsibility for their own lives.

The project is based on the expression "It takes a village to raise a child" and is characterized by a holistic approach to children and young people. This means that the project is a collaboration between a large number of partners both in and outside the housing area, e.g. the housing organization Boliggården, Helsingør municipality, the organisation SSP, schools, clubs, the local business community as well as parents, residents and employees in the residential areas. The project takes place in the three residential areas Nord Vest, Nøjsomhed and Vapnagaard in Helsingør and is financed by Østifterne.


· The establishment of Kids Democracies and youth councils in the three residential areas Nord Vest, Nøjsomhed and Vapnagaard in Helsingør. (2020-2025)

· Collaboration within and across residential and local areas via the building of networks and with a holistic approach to children and young people. (2020-2025)

· Social and physical measures in the residential areas and changes in the individual child and young person that reflect the ideas, needs and resources of children and young people. (2020-2025)



Frederiksborgs Amts Avis - Millionprojekt skal give indflydelse til børn og unge
Tagryggen 2020 - Sammen om hinanden - Nyt initiativ i Boliggårdens boligområder skal gøre en forskel for børn og unge
Pressemeddelelse "Sammen om hinanden"
Helsingør Dagblad - Nyt initiativ i Helsingørs boligområder skal gøre en forskel for børn og unge 
Tagryggen 2022 - Sammen om Hinanden - En fordel for dine børn

Task: Establishing Kids Democracies in the three residential areas in Helsingør and experimenting with the further development of methods of Kids Democracy.
Project owner: Østifterne
Collaborative partner: Boliggården, SSP in Helsingør
Financed by: Østifterne
Period: 2020-2025
Role: Idea developer and project manager for the establishment of Kids Democracy

Evaluation of operating communities in fsb



fsb and Konradi - life in and between the houses have in the period 2014-2015 carried out a project on co-operation with support from the Danish Transport, Building and Housing Authorities experimental funding pool, under the theme 'Innovative methods for making the operation of social housing cheaper' (Read more here). Following this, more operating communities were established in fsb, so that today there are a total of 14 operating communities. This means that approx. 93% of fsb's homes are part of an operating community, and there is still demand to be part of these from the remaining housing departments. In order to be able to build on the experience gained from the operating communities, fsb wishes for an evaluation of processes so far.

Konradi undersøger hvordan medarbejdere og politikere i fsb oplever driftsfællesskaberne i praksis. Det drejer sig bl.a. om deres oplevelse af serviceniveau, økonomi, samarbejde, indflydelse samt andre erfaringer og læringer. Desuden suppleres med kvantitative data. Formålet med evalueringen er at få et vidensgrundlag, som beslutningen om driftsfællesskabernes fremtid kan baseres på. Evalueringen skal således resultere i viden om ”det der fungerer godt og det der eventuelt kunne fungere bedre” i driftsfællesskaberne. Målgruppen for evalueringen er ledelsen i fsb.


Rapport: Evaluering af driftsfællesskaber i fsb - om beboervalgte og ansattes oplevelser af driftsfællesskaberne

Task: Evaluation of the operating communities in fsb

Project owner: fab
Financed by: fsb
Role: Evaluator


Housing Minister Kaare Dybvad opens the conference

Housing Minister Kaarde Dybvad

Søren Lillevang and Stine Konradi, idea developers of Kid's Democracy

Kids Democracy ambassadors from AKB Ved Milestedet

Rødovre Municipality's mayor Erik Nielsen

Three Kid Democrats from AKB at the Milestedet


Kid Democrats from Håndværkerparken in Slagelse

Operating employees from Elmelunden, Håndværkerparken, Kanalkvarteret and AKB Rødovre

The Kids Democracy ambassadors initiated joint massages

Joint massage for all participants

Chairman of the branch board of AKB Ved Milestedet Klaus Lind Bentsen

Final panel discussion with the participants

What significance does it have for the individual child to be a Kid Democrat and what do housing organisations, municipalities and the local area get out of Kids Democracy?

These questions were asked at the conference on 21 November, where results and practical experiences from the national development project on Kid's democracy from 2017-2019 were presented. The conference was organized by Boligselskabet AKB, Rødovre and Konradi - Life in and between the houses. Housing Minister Kaare Dybvad opened the conference with a presentation in which he placed particular emphasis on the importance of involving children in, and learning about, democracy in practice. Several Kid Democrats gave presentations about their experiences with Kid's democracy and shared stories about personal development.

AKB, Rødovre og Konradi - liv i og mellem husene takker de fremmødte for deres deltagelse og opbakning til børnedemokratiet.



Giv børnene en stemme i boligområderne! (Inspirationshæfte)

Invitation and program for konferencen


KAB - Giv børnene en stemme

Rødovre Lokal Nyt - Danmark skal lære af børn fra Kærene 

SN, Sjællandske Medier - Her får børnene en stemme

Kids democracy in residential areas in Greenland – a preliminary study and pilot test


- A preliminary study and pilot testing


The overarching goal of Kids Democracy in Greenland is to contribute to increasing the well-being, co-determination and democratic skills of children in the Greenlandic residential areas via the establishment of Kids Democracies. In the pilot project, it is being investigated how to involve children and give them a say in Greenlandic residential areas. This will happen with the establishment of a Kids Democracy in a selected residential area (pilot area) and via recommendations for further development in other residential areas in the society of Greenland.

Approx. 25% of Greenland's population are children under the age of 18 and a larger proportion of these live a child's life full of challenges. Many children grow up in homes with socio-economic challenges, experience major social problems and a lack of wellfare in their daily lives. 27% of Greenlandic children were exposed to neglect in 2008 and 42% of all households had a parent with a substance abuse in 2010.

The pilot project will take place in a housing department in Greenland's second largest city, Sisimiut. The housing department consists of several large and some small residential areas. The pilot project includes 3 residential areas: Deichmannip Aqq., Aqqartarfik and Paamaap Kuua., which together contain 393 rental properties and approx. 1,200 residents, of which around 300 are children under the age of 15. The pilot project is potentially the first part of a larger project in the future under the name Kids Democracy in residential areas in Greenland", that will span across Greenland, depending on the results of the pilot.


· Start of Kids Democracy in the pilotdepartment.

· Knowledge, practical experience and learning about opportunities and challenges for Kids Democracy in Greenlandic residential areas. 

The inspirationcatalogue 'Kids Democracy in residential areas in Greenland' in Greenlandic and in Danish

- Nyhed fra børnedemokratiet i Sisimiut i avisen Sermitsiaq AG





Task: Pilot testing of Kids Democracy in Greenlandic residential areas

Project owner: The greenlanding housing company INI A/S, owned by Grønlands Selvstyre
Financed by: Oak Foundation Denmark
Period: June 2019 until December 2021
Role: Idea developer and project manager

Rising Star

RISING STAR - Youth communities in a district in Odense


With project Rising Star, there is a vision to create a common space and a series of joint activities for young people between the ages of 7 and 17. The project takes place across four social housing units in Odense in the Rising district. The common room must be a place where young people from the whole area can be together, inspire each other and, for example, meet educational institutions, civic associations and each other. This is meant to contribute to the district, once again, being perceived as one whole, where everyone can move safely in all areas of the district. The vision is for Rising to be the area where the city's young people meet for positive common activities across social divides, and where the young people's skills and the district's social cohesion are strengthened. The special condition of the new common room is that the young people themselves must help define it, including which activities and opportunities the room should offer. In this way, ownership and responsibility for the common space can be strengthened.

The project is still in the development phase, and is supported by Realdania and Lokale og Anlægsfonden. The result of the development phase shall be a well-described development project in the form of a realization plan. The plan will be the basis for a potential application for implementation support. Konradi - life in and between the houses acts as an advisor on the project and is, among other things, responsible for the engagement of the housing departments' children and young people as well as a number of possible partners and collaborators for Rising Star.


Mapping of the stakeholders' wishes, needs and opportunities

Analysis of possible operational arrangements for the common room

Task: To contribute to the implementation of a development process towards a realization application for the project with particular emphasis on the inclusion of the stakeholders' wishes, needs and opportunities.

Project owner: CVICA
Financed by: Realdania, Lokale og Anlægsfonden, Fyns Almennyttige Boligselskab and CIVICA
Period: December 2018 - December 2019

Role: Advisor

Evaluation of operating communities in fsb



fsb and Konradi - life in and between the houses have in the period 2014-2015 carried out a project on co-operation with support from the Danish Transport, Building and Housing Authorities experimental funding pool, under the theme 'Innovative methods for making the operation of social housing cheaper' (Read more here). Following this, more operating communities were established in fsb, so that today there are a total of 14 operating communities. This means that approx. 93% of fsb's homes are part of an operating community, and there is still demand to be part of these from the remaining housing departments. In order to be able to build on the experience gained from the operating communities, fsb wishes for an evaluation of processes so far.

Konradi investigates how employees and politicians in fsb experience the operating communities in practice. This is, among other things, about their experience of the service level, finances, collaborations, influence and other relevant experiences and learnings. This is further supplemented with quantitative data. The purpose of the evaluation is to obtain a knowledge base on which the decision about the future of the operating communities can be based. The evaluation must thus result in knowledge about "what works well and what could possibly work better" in the operating communities. The target group for the evaluation is the management of fsb.


Evaluation of operating communities in fsb - about resident elected and employees' experiences of the operating communities

Task: Evaluation of the operating communities in fsb

Project owner: fab
Financed by: fsb
Role: Evaluator